Tuesday 20 October 2009

Thoughts on City Ideal

A city is the emergent spatial manifestation of an intensification and concentration of material and energy flow through human society. In particular the the amassment of agricultural surplus. And with this acumulation of surplus came posibility of addtional roles beyond subsistance that is the foundation of any civilization. Cities are the result of generations of local and global adaption within a long evolutionary process. They are nested within a network of interconnections that gives them appearances possessing WILL. And with the onset of globalisation they can reach far beyond any traditional demarcation such as the state.

There is something troublingly contradictory about asking individuals to envision a city ideal. Ideals are inherently collective just like cities. As such I felt it is fitting to ask the question to many individuals with which I share similar dispositions and create a cloud of ideas to create the raw material in which I feel comfortable to tackle the question with.

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