Thursday, 29 October 2009

5 Initial Pattern

This should come before my Tessellation patterns. I need to get used to the linearality of blogging. I am much more used to wiki based publishing platforms. Speaking of which here is a link to my on going neural networks research for programming.architecture.

Thursday 29/10/09 Talks

We've made some interesting preliminary discussion on how to proceed with the pre-fabrication research and how to bring all of it together.
Here are some image of Robert brainstorming with Unit 9 about ways of constructing an elementary form of the typical house.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Thursday, 22 October 2009

From Euclidean Space to Manifolds, The Power of Geometry

I don't know if people came across this guy Garrett Lisi?

his theory of Grand Unification resides in this mathematical geometry call the E8 which is a 8 dimensional geometry.

The fundamental particles and forces can be explained through the realignment of the 8 dimensional geometry. At this point my head exploded.

Other interesting geometries including Penrose Tiling. This is an aperiodic tile system which means it you can't deduce regularity from it as you add more tiles the regularity changes until infinity.

It appears that FOA have taken some inspiration on their facade design for Ravensbourn College from Sir Roger Penrose.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The Neocortex Manifesto

This is something I wrote while doing Unit D with Jeff a while back.


'The neocortex is the top layer of the cerebral hemispheres, responsible for human sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought, and language. It is the substratum of emergent complex systems and patterns that generate our experience. It is an open-ended system that allows adaptive/creative connection with information in a dynamic reality. It is a stratagem that calls for a dynamic approach to dealing with information and research.

Contemporary urban existence generates information on a scale and speed that is too fast for the classical notions of taxonomy. Typing ‘Isle of Dogs’ as a search-field in Google generates around 1.5 million entries. Information overload is the permanent condition of our contemporary existence. It doesn’t bring us closer to objective reality. Human cognitive perception is forever filtered by preconceived systems. However, the impossibility of perceiving objective reality makes any predefined classification presumptuous and even manipulative of the interpretation of reality.

The neocortex approach is to shed the paradigms and taxonomies of old knowledge to allow dynamic taxonomies to emerge from the direct experience of information. We believe that our research is an opportunity to test a new means of pattern recognition, where relationships are grown, where relevance is induced and organization begins to emerge.'

This might be of relavence to our up coming Urban Fields Study.

Thoughts on City Ideal

A city is the emergent spatial manifestation of an intensification and concentration of material and energy flow through human society. In particular the the amassment of agricultural surplus. And with this acumulation of surplus came posibility of addtional roles beyond subsistance that is the foundation of any civilization. Cities are the result of generations of local and global adaption within a long evolutionary process. They are nested within a network of interconnections that gives them appearances possessing WILL. And with the onset of globalisation they can reach far beyond any traditional demarcation such as the state.

There is something troublingly contradictory about asking individuals to envision a city ideal. Ideals are inherently collective just like cities. As such I felt it is fitting to ask the question to many individuals with which I share similar dispositions and create a cloud of ideas to create the raw material in which I feel comfortable to tackle the question with.

Working on Site Model

Unit 9 12/10/09 Site Visit